We are writing to you as a Science Museum Group Fellow. We are scientists from different disciplines, who are involved in educating the public while peacefully protesting against Shell sponsorship of a climate change exhibit at the Science Museum (1). We are writing to you to explain our position and seek your support.
In May, we proposed to Sir Ian Blatchford that Shell’s sponsorship of their new exhibit on innovative carbon capture technologies is a deliberate attempt to represent itself as a leader in climate action and avoid accountability for its true record (2). We do not object to the exhibit, which highlights one of many scientific initiatives that will be needed to tackle climate change. We object to the Science Museum accepting Shell’s sponsorship and thereby colluding in this greenwashing exercise, helping Shell to avoid taking the urgent action required. The Science Museum is a precious national institution, and its reputation should not be tarnished in this way.
In his response to our letter (3), Sir Ian did not address any of the points which we raised. The museum is maintaining that Shell is part of the solution. We truly wish this were the case. As you may know, many Shell’s shareholders at its annual meeting in May demanded a more ambitious plan for reducing its greenhouse gas contributions (4), while a Dutch court ordered Shell to cut its emissions much more rapidly than proposed (5). In the same month, the International Energy Agency called for an immediate halt to new fossil fuel exploration (6). Shell’s much-promoted investment in renewable energy technologies still constitutes less than 5% of its capital investment - 90% of their capital is still spent on fossil fuels (7).
In July, the full extent of the Science Museum’s courtship of the fossil fuel industry was revealed on Channel 4 News (8).
Sir Ian and his management have been intransigent in the face of our and other objections to Shell sponsorship, to the extent that they have has even called in police to eject peaceful student protesters (9). We will continue our campaign.
As a Science Museum Group Fellow, recognized and respected by the Museum, would you consider our arguments? Could you engage Sir Ian and his Trustees in a dialogue to bring an end to the Museum’s dependence on fossil fuel sponsorship?
For the Science Museum to end its relationship with Shell would send a powerful signal to the fossil fuel industry that more sincere and immediate action is needed, and to the world that the age of fossil fuel dependence and climate science denial is finally over. Please use your precious influence to make that happen.
Thank you, and best wishes,
Scientists for Extinction Rebellion
(1) By greenwashing Shell, the Science Museum is failing young people https://www.climatechangenews.com/2021/06/21/greenwashing-shell-science-museum-failing-young-people/
(2) Dear Sir Ian Blatchford: Scientists for Extinction Rebellion send open letter to the Science Museum Group calling for an end to Shell sponsorship https://theecologist.org/2021/may/05/ditch-shell
(3) Sir Ian Blatchford’s letter of reply https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c628GjVSbfhc_1TW1bnpwcb4uR9ooTOW/view
(4) Shell shareholders increase pressure for further climate action https://www.reuters.com/business/eneIn rgy/shell-shareholders-overwhelmingly-support-energy-transition-plan-2021-05-18/
(5) Shell: Netherlands court orders oil giant to cut emissions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-57257982
(6) Net Zero by 2050 https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050
(7) Oil Supermajors’ Trajectory Towards Renewables Needs to Scale Up and Speed Up https://ieefa.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Supermajors-Trajectory-Towards-Renewables-Needs-to-Scale-and-Speed-Up_July-2020.pdf
(8) Science Museum relationship with Shell and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative https://www.channel4.com/news/revealed-science-museum-signed-gagging-clause-with-exhibition-sponsor-shell
(9) Science museum shuts down youth protest https://cultureunstained.org/2021/06/21/science-museum-shuts-down-youth-protest/