2023 IPCC report, translated

When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) produce a report they really go to town.

Working groups meet and report over several years - currently there are groups on the (I) physical science; (II) impacts, adaptations and vulnerability; and (III) mitigations of climate change - until finally a synthesis report is produced. The latest landed on 20th March 2023, and the next is not expected until around 2030.

The Synthesis Report of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) is 85 pages. Even the “Summary for Policymakers” comes in at 36 pages. All of which is somewhat political, and small-C conservative, as these reports are produced by consensus by a worldwide body of scientists, representing many nations.

Fortunately, Scientists for Extinction Rebellion’s very own Dr Charlie Gardner (Twitter, Facebook), has translated the report into human, including telling us what is not said - the issues where no agreement could be reached.