Climate Science 101

The 101 basics of climate science are simple - you can even fit them on a placard

  1. It’s warming

  2. It’s us

  3. We are sure

  4. It’s bad

  5. We can fix it


 It’s Warming


It’s us


Some more than others

Consumption of the top 10% richest contributes to almost half of all emitted CO2 (Nature 2022)


We are sure


It’s bad

Potentially very bad!

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, published a crucial new ‘Climate change Risk Assessment’, which barely made the papers let alone the front pages. Read the full report


We can fix it


It is now or never

It is "Now or never" if we are to meet the 1.5C climate target. As Prof. Jim Skea, Co-Chair of the IPCC working group 3 explains we need "deep emissions reductions across all sectors". Starting NOW!

This page’s banner image represents Global Bio Stripes: - Data: LPI 2022. Living Planet Index