Episode 3

Agroecology: can we feed the world without destroying it?

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Our agriculture and food systems emit up to 37% of all greenhouse gases. Agricultural pollution has resulted in over 600 marine dead zones. The way we farm animals is destroying habitats to the extent that we are now witnessing biological annihilation in the ongoing sixth mass extinction, including dire losses of vertebrate and arthropod populations. Can we change course? Could agroecology, a method of farming that respects the planet’s life support systems, feed the world without destroying it?


  • Dr Marco Bertaglia, Scientific Officer in Agroecology, Joint Research Centre, Italy

  • Dr Lynn Dicks, Ecology Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge

  •  Jyoti Fernandes, Policy lead Land Workers Alliance UK, European Coordination Via Campesina

  • Prof Alain Peeters, Secretary of Agroecology Europe, Brussels

  • Chair: Dr Jordan Raine, Former Environment Editor, The Conversation, UK

Watch the full event here

Read an article (Part1 and Part2) about the event written by Ele Saltmarsh and published in The Ecologist.

Part 1

Part 2

Further reading here